
“Throw the emptiness out of your arms to add to the spaces we breathe…” - She/They

a canon hater in the making

ck肯定有disguise成分但我不相信这是total disguise,because it literally erased all of his so-called "feminity", or weakness , which seems facist to me. And the true reason why Lois is dismissed is cos' they think she's not a match再美的离别故事也无法掩盖这点

which means that he can only go up to wonder woman for an equal relationship, in the denial of every feminine characteristics this relationship might bear, or worse, let ww be the feminine one (love, communication, instinct rather than reason). and I haven't even started questioning this dichotomy bullshit yet. He is no God but a god, which means he just experiences things at a greater scale, so it's perfect if he can be with his people but not in the denial of his feminity (exactly the reason why we shouldn't trust dichotomy).


但这个同类不一定得是去人性的。最大的矛盾可能是phallicism总认为feminity有缺陷,而人类中心主义又感到不是人的一切都不够好(超人尴尬的是这二者混合)。所以大部分反派比超人肉体weak或者精神上没那么聪明理智总之更feminie。打败brainiac靠的就是人类中心主义占上风,以american way为自大的代表。而warlord型反派全都是dictator刻板印象,继续用american way强行打倒。

一直强调lois喜欢superman胜过clark kent是我非常讨厌的一种写法,本质上还是因为和我三观不合吧XD

只是吐槽而已,说来说去还是masculinity和feminity的问题没有什么新意,于是我应该思考一下自己的内在矛盾是啥,与其说我很喜欢所谓supermasculine的角色(只要别太蠢别那么explicit就行)不如说是我喜欢看绝对控制/惩罚and I can only find my guilty pleasure in stereotypes. and BDSM is ok


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